Heilig Paterke de Hasselt

BelgiqueHeilig Paterke


pas d'information

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Schrijnwerkersstraat, 3500, Hasselt, Limburg, BE Belgia
contact téléphone: +32 11 24 10 63
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 50.9322047, Longitude: 5.3363948

commentaires 5

  • Willy Thijsen

    Willy Thijsen


  • Peggy Van mellaert

    Peggy Van mellaert


  • nl

    leon christiaens


    Plaats om tot rust te komen

  • nl

    Stefan Vreven


    Rustpunt in de stad

  • Michel Veekmans

    Michel Veekmans


    It is a nice place to visit and has a small museum. Is related to the life of a Franciscan priest Valentinus who became very popular and famous after he died on Jan 1, 1905. His tomb in the crypt as a place of prayer and silence can be visited. The little museum shows the special stories that happened during his lifetime. From a door in the small crypt, one can enter the museum. The Church which has the entrance to the crypt is also quite nice. Worthwhile to stop and to visit (circa 1 hour). Located almost in the center of the city.

Église la plus proche

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