Hairway in Brussel




🕗 openingstijden

3, Luxemburgstraat, 1000, Brussel, BE België
contacten telefoon: +32 2 502 55 25
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 50.8402468, Longitude: 4.3670244

opmerkingen 5

  • dominique germay

    dominique germay


    Charmant accueil dans ce salon sympathique. Et les coupes tiennent le coup plusieurs mois.

  • Giorgio Quetti

    Giorgio Quetti


    Good hairdresser, but extremely high prices. You pay the position (in the centre of the European Quarter).

  • fr

    Gunther Van de Walle


    Super ambiance , expérience très satisfaisante et service au top . J y retournerais volontier.

  • David Vila Gomez

    David Vila Gomez


    Très bon salon, professionnel, service impecable

  • Klementina Dukoska

    Klementina Dukoska


    This was probably one of the worst experiences at hairdresser. My hair was washed just to put some water on it, I said I do not want conditioner. Well the women pulled my hair all over, did the cut and I turned out looking like I've woken up from nightmare. The cut was visibly not strainght and my hair was flying all over. I said I'm not happy then the other women finished my cut, which in the end turned out ok, however instead 2cm, they removed 4 cm. I do not recommend this hairdresser.

Haarverzorging in de buurt

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