Grand Hôtel de Flandre in Namur

BelgiëGrand Hôtel de Flandre


geen informatie

🕗 openingstijden

14, Place de Station, 5000, Namur, Namur, BE Belgien
contacten telefoon: +32 81 23 18 68
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 50.4681655, Longitude: 4.8628037

opmerkingen 5

  • en

    amnon darsa


    Nice hotel good location, but a bit funny to find the reception (need to go up a floor)

  • fr

    Christophe Hous


    Un cadre romantique, mélange d'un ancien bâtiment avec des chambres soignées et moderne. Super situation. Chambre bien équipée ! Pour le standing de l'hôtel, le prix est vraiment démocratique.

  • Carina Bruynseels

    Carina Bruynseels


    Net 🏨 dichtbij centrum , mooie verzorgde kamers , ruime keuze aan ontbijt 😋

  • fr

    Mélanie D


    Hotel bien situé proche du centre ville. Chambre manque un peu de propreté. Gobelet avec mégot de cigarette sur l'appui de fenetre de la chambre et odeur de tabac

  • Austin Willoughby

    Austin Willoughby


    Helpful staff that spoke English well (I wish I spoke French well enough to have it not be necessary, but I don't and it was comforting to clear up billing and questions in English). Convenient location across from the train station in Namur. Our room was pleasant and had a nice view of the train station. The morning breakfast was well worth the added charge for us since my dairy-free and gluten-free wife was able to get some things for the start of our day. We found the convenience of the hotel breakfast, the cleanliness of the hotel, helpfulness of the staff, and the location for our daily travel by train great reasons for choosing this hotel and we would use this hotel again. There was a minor smell of moisture in the front hall that almost made us re-think our choice. We are glad we didn't as it was just there and most likely just due to heavy rain being tracked into that area. A dehumidifier could likely change that, but it wasn't a problem throughout the hotel or in our room.

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