Grand Café Lord Nelson in Mechelen

BelgiëGrand Café Lord Nelson



🕗 openingstijden

8, Wollemarkt, 2800, Mechelen, Antwerpen, BE Belgium
contacten telefoon: +32 15 20 38 14
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 51.029391, Longitude: 4.479289

opmerkingen 5

  • Anthony Rabaey

    Anthony Rabaey


    Food is good but the service is less .

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    Anja Brusselmans


    Winter time perfect for a lunch and drink.

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    Luc Van Doren


    Fantastic place to eat and have nice time.

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    Dana VC


    I've eaten here more than once and I've eaten here amazingly well, but also bad. So it can really go either way in this restaurant. Which is unfortunate because the prices for the food and the drinks are high. With two people you pay 70-80 euro's with appetizer, main course and drinks. No dessert included. Which is pretty steep. Last visit I strongly disliked my main dish, which was a stew with wild boar. It was extremely bland and overcooked. My appetizer was delicious though... But I so regretted my main course. 23€ For a small bowl with mush stew, no fries, kroketten or anything extra. Just a bowl with a bad tasting content. My girlfriend did have a very good steak. It's very unfortunate because the atmosphere here can be very cozy and amazing, especially in the booths or near the fireplace. The service could be better. Either they are highly understaffed or the staff is inexperienced. I do not know. I felt bad paying so much money here.

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    Nuno Fernandes


    Nice good and fantastic beer. Staff is normal... Could be better but it's fair enough.

Cafe in de buurt

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