Gojo in Antwerpen




🕗 openingstijden

43, Minderbroedersrui, 2000, Antwerpen, Antwerpen, BE Belgium
contacten telefoon: +32 3 284 20 49
website: www.facebook.com
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 51.2219284, Longitude: 4.4052245

opmerkingen 5

  • Kidution Johanns

    Kidution Johanns


    They have good ethiopian coffie

  • Daphne Surink

    Daphne Surink


    I had Ethiopian food before but this was much better. Nice atmosphere, not too crowded. Only minus point was that the service was rather slow...

  • en

    Jaime Ferrer


    First I tried Ethiopian food and I'll go back for sure. Nice atmosphere and good quality food.

  • Maria R

    Maria R


    Upscale restaurant, leaning toward the "too-pricy-for-what-it-is (to give you an idea a traditional style vegetarian platter will set you back about 22 euros per person, 26 p.p if you go for the non-vegetarian fair). Definitely authentic though, with a varied menu (fish dishes!). Spice level is a little on the mild side to cater to European tastebuds. Service is pleasant enough and so is the atmosphere however a warning: don't come here if you're feeling particularly hungry as the food will take a while to arrive (which came as a bit of a surprise to us as most Etheopian dishes are pre-prepped in bulk... Odd). Verdict: fancy pantsy. Had better Etheopian for half the price elsewhere. Not bad if you're looking for fancy pantsy. Still pretty delicious despite the pain in the wallet. 10/10 would recommend to anyone not on a budget.

  • en

    D D


    Service can be sometimes poor, but it compensates with the original and tasty food.

Restaurant in de buurt

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