Gastronomia Miramare in Saint-Gilles

BelgiëGastronomia Miramare



🕗 openingstijden

179, Chaussée de Waterloo, 1060, Saint-Gilles, BE Belgium
contacten telefoon: +32 2 538 78 02
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 50.82642, Longitude: 4.3453885

opmerkingen 5

  • fr

    Selin Karatas


    Sandwich à emporter excellents! Produits frais et savoureux. Super service, personnel sympa! J'y vais avec plaisir sur le temps de midi quand je suis dans le coin

  • fr

    Mario De Cunto


    Qualité serviabilte vraie cuisine italienne comme la bas plus Service à emporté même épicerie fine d Italie mérite un vrai passage charcuterie artisanal un delice

  • fr

    Jean Brohee


    Excellent repas et accueil chaleureux. Bon rapport qualité prix. Avantage de l'ouverture non stop l'après-midi.

  • Manuel Brunner

    Manuel Brunner


    I arrived after the kitchen already closed (without me realizing it). The waiter told me that the kitchen is closed but that they have take away and traiteur (this was the reason they were still open). I asked if it would be possible to heat some of the take away food for me instead of having it take away. They were happy to make this exception and treated me very friendly all the time. I really appreciated the service and the fact that I was so welcome even after official restaurant times. I had some pasta with Italian ingredients which were very tasty (tomato sauce, mushrooms and spicy Italian sausage). Given the fact the pasta was take away, I was very surprised that they still were al dente and not overcooked. Even I was staying there until almost closing time I never had the feeling that they wanted to get rid of me (as it happened to me already in other places). I had a short but very pleasant dinner in Miramare and will definitely pass by there again. Thank you for the nice moment in this cozy place.

  • Emily Darrow

    Emily Darrow


    Not impressed. For a lunch of 6 people, I ordered through Deliveroo 5 antipasti, 2 sandwiches, the cheese plate, and olives. Let me just say that 3 lonely, dried out slices of charcuterie languishing on a bed of limp old lettuce with a few scattered olives does not an antipasti plate make. Even at just 8 euro per plate, it was an insult. The mortadella had visibly been sliced at least a week in advance (edges all dried out) and the lettuce underneath it was truly disgusting (1/3 black spots, 1/3 yellow leaves, 1/3 actual green leaves). This was my first order and will be my last: I could have done better by cleaning out my own fridge. Truly disappointing.

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