Garage Mertens N.V. in Sint-Niklaas

BelgiƫGarage Mertens N.V.



🕗 openingstijden

1, Europark-Zuid, 9100, Sint-Niklaas, Oost-Vlaanderen, BE Belgium
contacten telefoon: +32 3 760 17 27
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 51.16247, Longitude: 4.1704911

opmerkingen 5

  • nl

    Rene van Maris


    Prima VW en Audi dealer waar ik al 3 jaar kom. Vriendelijk en deskundig personeel!

  • en

    Francis Van Eynde


    Great dealer with good service

  • MichaĆ«l Vandendriessche

    Michaƫl Vandendriessche


    I asked for a test drive, since I will order a company car soon. Mertens said: "Not without a quotation", and referred me to Audi Kortenberg, where I was referred back to "your local dealer". I was left perplexed. This is an incredibly retarded way to handle potential new clients, the likes of which I have never seen before. In the meantime, I've heard that many people in the area have bad experiences with this garage: arrogant attitude and bad service. I ordered a test drive with the very friendly people of Audi Buslot in Lokeren, who understand business and customer relationships. :)

  • Luts Rudi

    Luts Rudi


    Vw en audi garage

  • Evgueni Smoliar

    Evgueni Smoliar


    Sales guy did want to talk to me to make an offer, was too busy , so I'm no longer Audi customer and happy about it :)

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