Garage International A.G.A. de Sint-Gillis

BelgiqueGarage International A.G.A.



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35, Denemarkenstraat, 1060, Sint-Gillis, BE BĂ©lgica
contact téléphone: +32 2 537 86 82
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 50.8318425, Longitude: 4.3360507

commentaires 5

  • Diana Nikiforovi

    Diana Nikiforovi


    Se sont de bons escrocs avec de bonnes combinent de manipulation pour arracher une bonne grosse somme d'argent pour juste un petit problÚme automobile, d'abord ils te disent un bon prix alléchant puis il ajoute des problÚmes inexistant pour justifier à la fin le prix exorbitant. A éviter à tout prix !!

  • Johfrah Lefebvre

    Johfrah Lefebvre


    Zeer goeie, eerlijke en vriendelijke garagisten. Echte aanrader om je auto te laten controleren of herstellen. Bedankt!

  • Danae Biniari

    Danae Biniari


    The Most Honest Mechanic Ever! My car made a squeaky sound when you hit the brakes and I had taken it to 2 different Mazda dealers one in Uccle and one in Wemmel and Auto 5 twice! All of them gave me a different version of the problem and price went up to 500€ for breaks that I had already replaced brand new 6 months ago!!! They all told me they were old and needed changing. Then I took it to the International Garage( a friend suggested it )and not only did the man tell me exactly what was going on with my car and that there was no reason to change anything but he fixed it at minimal price! He is the only mechanic out of 4 that checked my car who said I see your breaks are new! I will definitely be going back! Hands down the best mechanic in town!

  • Nicolas Brodheim

    Nicolas Brodheim


    Le gérant vous aide à distance sans vous connaßtre pour essayer de trouver une solution excellent contact à recommander

  • Katerina Orfanidi

    Katerina Orfanidi


    This garage is a family run garage. Their prices are much better than the official big dealership ones and the quality of work is really good! I had my car fixed after a major accident on the right door and it cost me 1/3 of what D'Ieteren quoted. Result is great! I have been taking my car for annual service there for the past 4 years, saved a lot of money and had same result. Totally recommended, especially if you do not own a company car and you pay yourself! đŸ‘đŸ»

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