Europcar de Zaventem




🕗 horaire

Arrival hall box 88, Brussels Zaventem Airport, 1930 Zaventem, België
contact téléphone: +32 2 721 05 92
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 50.8941957, Longitude: 4.4798014

commentaires 5

  • en

    Ayhan Edeer


    Very fast and professional service : It took 9 minutes to return a car and get another one

  • en

    Peter Barczikay


    The car that was given to me had almost no pressure in one of the tires. Although the car had a tire pressure sensor I had to warn them, I wonder how they check the returned cars. It was minus three outside but wintertire was only available for a significant extra cost. Other than that the crew was ok and helpful.

  • en

    Panagiotis Zeritis


    Complete rip-off. Rented a car full of small scratches, I informed their employee upon arrival, she mentioned only the bigger ones in the paper, the smaller ones she said they are not a problem as they are less than 2cm. Upon the return of the car in Brussels Charleroi Aiport, the counter was not open until 8.30am (in an airport!), so I dropped the keys. 2 weeks later, they sent me an invoice of 300 for the scratches that suddenly became more than 2cm.. Shame on them.

  • Ruud Weterings

    Ruud Weterings


    Slechte service en afhandeling. Auto zijn oke, Helpdesk is niet te pakken te krijgen... financiële afwikkeling een drama NOOOIt MEER !!!

  • Wim Van Dyck

    Wim Van Dyck


    Auto afhalen duurde zéér lang, ook al was ik de enigste klant. Ze rekenen zonder enige reden een extra dag huur aan, dit bedrag is na 2 weken nog steeds niet terugbetaalt! Nooit meer Europcar!!

Location de voiture la plus proche

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