Europahotel Gent in Gent

BelgiëEuropahotel Gent


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🕗 openingstijden

59, Gordunakaai, 9000, Gent, Oost-Vlaanderen, BE Belgium
contacten telefoon: +32 9 222 60 71
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 51.0433015, Longitude: 3.704364

opmerkingen 5

  • en

    Benoît Nallet


    Correct reception and the room was clean ... Good shower products ... the spring mattress was a bit soft and not really comfortable ... Only one security pass was given for 2 people ... The free parking place might be full due to events at the hotel ...

  • Ashutosh Gaur

    Ashutosh Gaur


    Good hotel in the city of Ghent.. Just across the river and not very far the city center.. If you like to walk then it's been at a comfortable walking distance. Even trams are available from there.. Breakfast menu is also nice... I liked it

  • Tim Youd

    Tim Youd


    Hotel looks a bit grotty on the outside and the car park is small.. But don't let this put you off! The rooms are bright and spacious with modern fixtures. Nespresso machine was a good addition however we only had decaffeinated coffee pods. Rituals shampoo and shower gels were also good, although one was only half full. Very friendly receptionist gave us plenty of information about the city. Location is great; 30 minute walk into the centre or a short walk to either tram or bus stops. Would definitely stay here again!

  • Maurizio Meerkat

    Maurizio Meerkat


    Fair prices. Room was spacious and bright. You can walk to the city center but it's a long walk and was quite fatiguing after a night out. If they offered in-house bike rental it would be great since none is found nearby.

  • en

    Paul de Bie


    Good hotel with spacious rooms. Breakfast was fine with real scrambled eggs instead of the fake powder eggs that you get in lot of hotels. Bathroom great staff helpful. There is parking garage and a outdoor parking. Somewhat out of the centre, but there is good public transportation.

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