Eurolines Belgium - tickets shop Brussels North in Schaerbeek

BelgiëEurolines Belgium - tickets shop Brussels North



🕗 openingstijden

80, Rue du Progrès, 1030, Schaerbeek, BE Belgium
contacten telefoon: +32 2 274 13 50
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 50.8605201, Longitude: 4.3594966

opmerkingen 5

  • en

    Paul Flanagan


    Staff were helpful. Facilities very basic!

  • en

    FlaviaElionara FreireDantas


    The bus was late, and we had to wait in the cold. It doesn't look like a safe area.

  • Julia Shaptala

    Julia Shaptala


    It was the most horrible experience I have ever had and the most terrible place I have ever been. I was traveling by bus from Bruxelles Nord to Paris Gallieni using Eurolines. The departure time time was 1:30am from Bruxelles Nord. We had to arrive earlier to the station as the metro closes at midnight. Closer to midnight the station looks like after an apocalypse, there are a lot of homeless people sleeping over the place, a lot of garbage and this place stinks so badly. Moreover, you should be careful there as you can be easily robbed and nobody can help you as there ara no police, etc. The bus station (Eurolines) also the place where I do not suggest to stay after midnight. There are no staff from Eurolines at this time who can tell you where to expect the bus or etc. And the "best" thing is ...the bus station (the waiting room) closes at 1am, you will be kicked out. Thus, you will be waiting for the bus outside in the deep night surrounded by homeless people and other suspicious individuals. I do not suggest you to have a bus at after the midnight to avoid such an experience.

  • en

    Via Via


    Staff is friendly, but the place smells urine, not so much place to sit, dirty, and its not a place you would eat your sandwitch or eat coffee. Sadly i had to wait there for my bus as outside was freeezing

  • Masoud Tajamiri

    Masoud Tajamiri


    The guy behind the counter asked me why I haven't printed my ticket?! Why should I print it while I have it on my phone? That's the whole point (receive it in my email so I don't have to print it!) He also gave me a paper and when I asked what that is he said just wait in the waiting room! I thought that was rude.

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