El Metteko in Brussel

BelgiëEl Metteko


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🕗 openingstijden

88, Anspachlaan, 1000, Brussel, BE Belgium
contacten telefoon: +32 2 512 46 48
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 50.847763, Longitude: 4.349247

opmerkingen 5

  • en

    Marcel Driesenaar


    With my parents in Brussels we Found this beautifull restaurant. Very professional staff, nice wine and. Very good carbonade with stoemp. Try this. We Will come back

  • Igo2UGo



    Nice local place to hang out and have a bite before going to a gig at l'Ancienne Belgique. I had a good 'waterzooi' in a relaxed atmosphere. An ensemble played jazzy tunes live, while we were wrapping up to go to AB. Friendly staff and a very diverse clientele. I will be back the next time I visit Bruxelles.

  • en

    Rebecca Sinnaeve


    This place saved my friend and I after we had just arrived in Belgium on our backpacking tour of Europe! We were starving and it was late at night and because we were willing to share their spoon to try their food, they re-opened the kitchen for us and made us what they were eating when no one else would.

  • Michael Downey

    Michael Downey


    Delicious food, good service, interesting environment.

  • Siona Marlin

    Siona Marlin


    Great service, yummy food!

Cafe in de buurt

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