eglise sainte catherine in Brussel

Belgiëeglise sainte catherine


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🕗 openingstijden

50, Sint-Katelijneplein, 1000, Brussel, BE Belgien
contacten telefoon: +32 492 76 66 17
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 50.8507266, Longitude: 4.3481871

opmerkingen 5

  • Curro Bravo

    Curro Bravo


    Not well maintained, it is a pity, very sad seeing this beautiful place in such a bad condition.

  • Tim Male

    Tim Male


    Beautiful setting for a church, surrounded by history. On a quieter street than some of the more famous churches.

  • fr

    Schampaert Eric


    Ce n'est pas ,la plus belle église au monde mais à voir. En plus située dans un des quartiers de Bruxelles que j'aime

  • jelena jadzic

    jelena jadzic


    Nice place. My favourite in Belgium. The contrast from large square with bars and food places with wine drinkers and some relax vibe. You should try nice shells and other typical cousine. Also one side was nice and clean without the marks of time, while on other was with a evident marks of time burden. Once again, best place!

  • Haris Aslanidis

    Haris Aslanidis


    Massive and beautiful building. Outstanding inside and outside. Piece of architectural art that needs some time to examine it.

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