Duvel Moortgat Brewery de Puurs

BelgiqueDuvel Moortgat Brewery


pas d'information

🕗 horaire

58, Breendonk-Dorp, 2870, Puurs, Antwerpen, BE Belgium
contact téléphone: +32 3 860 94 00
site web: www.duvel.com
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 51.0427069, Longitude: 4.3264264

commentaires 5

  • Ofer Levinger

    Ofer Levinger


    Great visit wonderful beer

  • Bart Claeys

    Bart Claeys


    Awesome brewery and knowledgeable and enthusiastic personnel. This brewery has a bar where you can order all their drinks and also has a gift shop with tons of Duvel branded goodies.

  • Geert Leysen

    Geert Leysen


    I got a special VIP tour of the brewery with our zythology class so I can't comment on the standard tours, but Duvel is such a big name in the Belgian Beer Scene and the brewery is well worth a visit!

  • en

    kjell moens


    We went there for our wedding pictures and actually half way through our wedding shoot, we were more interesting in brewing process, so definitely a to do! And they gave us free drinks, so in the end we stressed our wedding photographer for not keeping the schedule. Go sit in one of the old delivery cars

  • Simon Tomlinson

    Simon Tomlinson


    Superb brewery tour. Fair price. Good guide - very knowledgeable & informative. A few tipples at the end!

Aliments la plus proche

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