Drie Cronen Restaurant de Thorn

BelgiqueDrie Cronen Restaurant



🕗 horaire

1, Hofstraat, 6017 AK, Thorn, Maasgouw, NL Netherlands
contact téléphone: +31 475 561 219
site web: www.driecronen.nl
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 51.1607642, Longitude: 5.8430455

commentaires 5

  • Hubert van Noort

    Hubert van Noort


    Op een mooie dag in april hebben we hier 's avonds gegeten. Helaas geen tafel meer vrij op het terras. De asperges met coquilles waren prima, de saus wat minder. Wel redelijk aan de prijs. Het nagerecht niet noemenswaardig. Gelukkig hadden ze wel de lokale wijn! Bediening gemiddeld.

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    John Richardson


    Most favorite restaurant!

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    Kees Kraaijenoord


    Strange that you cannot use cards to pay

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    Gordon Beach


    We arrived in Thorn after an exhausting day in Maastrict. We selected this restaurant purely at random, and could not have been happier with our choice. The three of us selected Tornedoes, and they were cooked to perfection. Later the Chef came out and asked if we were happy, to which we were happy to give hime the praise he deserved. He obvoiusly takes pride in his work. This meal is equal to the best we have had on our four weeks away. The staff provided good acvice and service was excellent. Well done.

  • Andre Speek

    Andre Speek


    The chef's father used to be the local butcher, which is proven by the great care they take in finding the best meat and the best way to prepare it. Not unrecognizable meat, drowned in too much sauce to give it some flavor, but simple and pure dishes that really stick out. No over-sized portions either, but rest a sure it will be more than enough.

Restaurant la plus proche

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