DreamLand Leuven in Wilsele

BelgiëDreamLand Leuven



🕗 openingstijden

1, Kolonel Begaultlaan, 3012, Wilsele, Vlaams-Brabant, BE Belgium
contacten telefoon: +32 16 29 14 37
website: www.dreamland.be
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 50.888689, Longitude: 4.705194

opmerkingen 5

  • Samiul Hasan

    Samiul Hasan


    It is a dreamland for kids! Lots of collections having variations. Kids will get lost for sure.

  • Anne Kibler

    Anne Kibler


    Fantastic area to go buy everything you need for your kids and babies. It is next-door to dream baby so it is convenient to go to. everything a child could ever want is in the store. I was able to find some great Disney DVDs there but I have been looking for for a long time but most stores did not carry. my kid went nuts in here he loved it. but the store is not cheap be prepared to spend top dollar for these items

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    Christophe Van Ryne


    Good prices. Nice shop

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    Hanne Desmet


    Always parking, friendly staff and good offer of toys etc

  • Arief Wibowo

    Arief Wibowo


    For the toys its quite wide-ranging of choices and it managed very well, you can find what you want easily. But I have a bad experience with the after service for an expensive thing I bought it here. I think this store its not a good option if you want to buy a quite expensive electronic things, better to choose another electronic store with a good reputation. I bought a very expensive PS4 headset wireless platinum here, its around € 170-180 and it doesn't work anymore after one month. So naturally I give it back for service or repair or change with a new one (which is not possible according to them). So I agree to repair and send it to service centre. after one month and a half, I didn't hear anything. I'm very disappointed because they didn't give me any exact date when it can be return. It took me 4x just to ask what happen and they can't give me any solution except than waiting, and finally the last time I called them back and really push it, they were kindly to give me the new Headset and cash back because the price is reduced. One point they are professional and kind, but the after sales service kinda disappointed. Anyway I would still come back and recommend this place definitely!

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