Dr Koch Philippe Ophtalmologue in Saint-Gilles

BelgiëDr Koch Philippe Ophtalmologue



🕗 openingstijden

91, Avenue Henri Jaspar, 1060, Saint-Gilles, BE Belgien
contacten telefoon: +32 2 538 00 25
website: www.docteurkoch.be
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 50.8331606, Longitude: 4.3502186

opmerkingen 3

  • Jean Labrique

    Jean Labrique


  • Clément Cloom

    Clément Cloom


    Dr Koch is very professional, I have been there twice and the second time my sight did not change so we talked about eye surgery, quality of contact lenses and the risks to wear them if we don't clean them correctly etc. He also advised me good places for contact lenses, shops he knows they make sure the lenses are good for you and try to find the best type/brand. One day he forgot to ask me to pay which for me is a sign that he is doing his job to help people and not to get money out of them. The first time I did not have cash and he let me his bank account details so I could pay him online. I highly recommend Dr Koch.

  • Vikol Lara

    Vikol Lara


    is a specialist eye doctor think best of all Belgium afther i walked into a hospital for days with no rezults i found it on a website and it gave me some drops a simple treatment that cured me directly cratched cornea thank to can see and take care of my three children today thank Mr.Koch

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