DPD Belgium in Flémalle

BelgiëDPD Belgium



🕗 openingstijden

99, Rue de l'Arbre Saint-Michel, 4400, Flémalle, LiÚge, BE Belgium
contacten telefoon: +32 70 22 22 22
website: www.dpd.be
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 50.6100557, Longitude: 5.4382058

opmerkingen 5

  • fr

    Daniel SELECK


    Entreprise non fiable et totalement irresponsable. Pour la seconde fois on ne me livre pas un colis avec mention :  «  adresse incorrecte ». Je me suis rendu au siĂšge pour rĂ©cupĂ©rer le premier colis et on m’a certifiĂ© que l’adresse Ă©tait correcte et qu’il n’y avait aucun doute lĂ  -dessus. Il m’a Ă©tĂ© rĂ©pondu que le livreur n’avait sans doute pas envie d’effectuer la livraison et qu’on allait faire une enquĂȘte. J'ai donc dĂ» me rendre Ă  FlĂ©malle pour rĂ©cupĂ©rer mon colis. Et mĂȘme procĂ©dĂ© ce 16/4/2018. Impossible de faire confiance Ă  de pareilles firmes. Une nouvelle livraison est prĂ©vue pour demain ...on verra.

  • en



    I strongly advice to rely on other compny. The service is totally unreliable, the stuff I talked to was unprepared and could not help me at all, pretending they could. The parcel my parent sent to me arrived two months later.

  • en

    Yohan Yo


    WOW !!! Worst delivery service and worst customer service you can imagine !! They are unprofessional and totaly unable to deliver a package. NEVER USE THIS COMPANY IF YOU ARE SMART AND CARE ABOUT QUALITY AND GOOD SERVICE. (If a seller proposes you to use DPD, inform him that you will look for the item somewhere else, better and safer for you !!) This is a cheap delivery service for one good reason !!!

  • Santiago Mejia

    Santiago Mejia


    This company is the worst company in deliveries I have ever seen. They lost my bag and nobody in the company is doing something to find it. The call center charges about 0.15EUR per minute and you have to wait a lot on the call to find no solutions... My bag seems to be in some DPD delivery center in Belgium, but when I ask them that I want to go there and pick up by myself I receive a NO as an answer. Please DO NOT USE THIS COMPANY!! even if you have to pay more on another company, as you see the 1.6 stars average in Google tells the true. I didn't read these messages before my shipment.

  • VĂ­ctor CĂĄrdaba Collado

    VĂ­ctor CĂĄrdaba Collado


    Worst service I've ever seen. Avoid this company.

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