d'Hofstee de Roeselare




🕗 horaire

13, Claeyssensstraat, 8800, Roeselare, West-Vlaanderen, BE Belgium
contact téléphone: +32 51 25 10 78
site web: www.hofstee.be
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 50.9641165, Longitude: 3.1556658

commentaires 5

  • nl



    Lekker eten voor een goede prijs, mooi en gezellig uitzicht op het grote terras

  • Anthony Bouton

    Anthony Bouton



  • nl

    Sarlet Yasmine


    Zeker aan te raden! Heel lekkere garnaalkroketjes! Vriendelijke bediening. Aangenaam kader om in te tafelen! Goede verhouding prijs/kwaliteit

  • Anthony C. Guzman

    Anthony C. Guzman


    Throughout all the restaurants I visited while I traveled through Ostend, Bruges, Roeselare and Ypres, D'Hofstee was by far my favorite. The food was easily some of the best food I've ever had, and Angela and Eddy made me feel like I was home. Their hospitality is unmatched. I can't wait for my next trip to Roeselare so I can have their escargot, cote a l'os, and argentijnse steak, frites, bread, and so much more.

  • Andrew Gilfillan

    Andrew Gilfillan


    I was there for a week October 2014. The food and the room were perfect, but it was the owner and his wife Eddie and Angela who made it truly special.

Restaurant la plus proche

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