Derlon Hotel Maastricht in Maastricht

BelgiëDerlon Hotel Maastricht



🕗 openingstijden

6, Onze Lieve Vrouweplein, 6211 HD, Maastricht, Maastricht, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31 43 321 6770
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 50.8478121, Longitude: 5.6932571

opmerkingen 5

  • Andrew Oliver

    Andrew Oliver


    Brilliant hotel in a lovely location. Amazing basement restaurant!

  • Nadine Boulengier

    Nadine Boulengier


    I didn't stay at the hotel but went to the restaurant for a Christmas dinner. Overall everything was fine: nice place; good service; good location; good food... only the meat (pigeon) was overcooked and unpleasant to chew.

  • en

    Simon Tiemersma


    Very nice hotel, very friendly personnel and beautiful and interesting breakfast space.

  • en

    Bart Meijer


    Good food, but very busy so took awhile for our orders

  • en

    Marjan Grapperhaus


    The intimate square is attractive even on a bleak February day, the restaurant offers fine dishes, the waitress was very nice and so were the receptionists. One negative point, concerning disabled guests: on request we got a nice room just opposite the elevator, but the hotel entrance is not suitable for entering with a weelschair or rollator (it could be, but the road is blocked with plants and tables and chairs; the receptionist would only believe it as I pointed it out, but I do not have the impression he is going to change it.). Also the door itself is very heavy to open.

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