Delhaize Roodebeek de Woluwe-Saint-Lambert

BelgiqueDelhaize Roodebeek



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199, Chaussée de Roodebeek, 1200, Woluwe-Saint-Lambert, BE Belgium
contact téléphone: +32 2 779 56 03
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 50.848266, Longitude: 4.4288782

commentaires 5

  • en



    Not enough vegan offer. Have to shop there only if I have no time to go elsewhere

  • Nikhil Chaturvedi

    Nikhil Chaturvedi


    Best supermarket.. Very fresh vegetables and fruits. The bakery products are very fresh. There is a Bpost counter as well to send letters or parcels

  • en

    Erick Espinoza de los Monteros Aguilar


    Great super market, its not the biggest Delhaize you can find but it is enough to buy groceries on sundays.

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    Jackie Eaton


    It was ok. It is a bit weirdly laid out but I found everything I needed in the end and there were enough staff on the tills so the queues were short

  • Bengt Davidsson

    Bengt Davidsson


    I live nearby this shop and been there many rimes. Unfortunately the shop is horrible. Loayout, accessability, information provuded, available product is is very poor and no sign of improvement. Delhaize, please change the management!

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