Delhaize Chazal in Schaarbeek

BelgiëDelhaize Chazal



🕗 openingstijden

22, Léon Mahillonlaan, 1030, Schaarbeek, BE Belgium
contacten telefoon: +32 2 735 00 29
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 50.8502468, Longitude: 4.3910251

opmerkingen 5

  • Claudia Fernandez

    Claudia Fernandez


    Find eeeeverything and pay the fair price. Really, variety here is astounding.

  • en

    Ashok Bharadwaaj


    The store is quite big and they have a wide variety of products - thats where the positives end. On the negative side- 1. On more than 4 to 5 occassions, the breads & juices I bought from them have had fungus growing in them in less than a week of purchase. They tend to keep the stock which are about to expire. You have to be extremely careful while purchasing. Thats not the case with colruyt or carrefour. 2. Prices are extremely high. 3. Staffs are very rude & rascist as well. If you dont speak French or Dutch they dont even make an effort to respond correctly to you. 4. On more than a couple occassions I was over billed. When the list is long & there is long queue, its tough to cross check, trust is the only thing to rely on, but I have lost that trust in them.

  • Mario Sota

    Mario Sota


    Best products but the prices aren't on the cheap side, still i liked their product range and helpful staff . They sell their brnded delhaize products which are one the best available in belgium , also they have a big variety of italian products, who doesn't love Italian food? I highly recommend delhaize supermarkets chain to those who are looking for the best quality products , plus they are almost in every corner of brussels .

  • Twowolves Exxxtreme

    Twowolves Exxxtreme


    Prices are astronomical ! Avoid shoping here if you can, as there are plenty of supermarkets in the area with equal and/or beter quality goods that are far less expensive.

  • Marco Bartocci

    Marco Bartocci


    Big supermarket, great choice but half of the space is occupied by pallets or by staff continuosly replenishing the shelves. If you have a big caddie is very hard to move, especially in peak hours.

Supermarkt in de buurt

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