Del Popolo Pizza de Antwerpen

BelgiqueDel Popolo Pizza



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51, De Keyserlei, 2018, Antwerpen, Antwerpen, BE Belgium
contact téléphone: +32 3 500 55 05
site web:
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Latitude: 51.2173393, Longitude: 4.4195516

commentaires 5




    may be its just me but i thought the place was fancy and all but the pizza? it wasn't what i expected.

  • Dharmateja Javvadi

    Dharmateja Javvadi


    The best pizza you can ever have and sometimes they also offer good deserts..

  • en

    Steven Morrens


    The pizzas are amazing. We always order through Deliveroo the Diavoletto & custom pizza with anchovies. Today there was a slight mix up and we received tuna pizza & pizza bianco as a mistake. The mistake was quickly corrected without extra charge. All four pizzas tasted as you were in Italy. Keep up your passion - it reflects in the taste! Thank you.

  • Thanh Hồng Lê

    Thanh Hồng Lê


    Pizza and service are ok. However some ingredients are not fresh. The restaurant is quite big and there are a lot of seats, so it's good for large group (dinner with friends or birthday). It's a good place to stop by if you want to have a quick meal, but I don't think it will satisfy the pizza lovers who look for tasty and authentic Italian pizzas.

  • Rahul Perivela

    Rahul Perivela


    The pizzas were pretty good. Well, they were just like any other good pizzas you'll fine in the pizzerias of Belgium. But it's about the ambiance. The pizzeria was neat and the servers were too nice. Will recommend this place to everyone.

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