De Wastrommel in Leuven

BelgiëDe Wastrommel



🕗 openingstijden

25, Sint-Maartenstraat, 3000, Leuven, Vlaams-Brabant, BE Belgium
contacten telefoon: +32
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 50.8818075, Longitude: 4.7052085

opmerkingen 5

  • en

    Sylvain Afonso


    Good service.

  • Savvas Raptis

    Savvas Raptis


    Nice simple laundry. I use it and so far I am satisfied with its service

  • Matthew John

    Matthew John


    Soap dispenser machine didn't work

  • Alessandra Gola

    Alessandra Gola


    Landry shop. Handy and ok. Offers three different sizes of washing machines abd two sizes of dryers, plus a ironing machine (roll). The shop is provided with an automatic distributor of soaps and softeners. Also a distributor of hot and cold drinks is in the shop. Machines give change. Accessible to wheelchairs.

  • Zimcke Van de Staey

    Zimcke Van de Staey


    All in all a good place to do your laundry. Prices: 4,30 euro (5 kg), 4,70 euro (8 kg). I forgot the largest size. Drying costs 0,50 euro per 5'. There's a big table present to fold all your clothes. You don't need the exact amount of money and there is a vending machine for washing powder. Tip: don't go on sunday, because it will be very busy.

Wasserij in de buurt

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