de Valera's de Ixelles

Belgiquede Valera's



🕗 horaire

17, Place Eugène Flagey, 1050, Ixelles, BE Belgium
contact téléphone: +32 2 649 80 54
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 50.827599, Longitude: 4.371562

commentaires 5

  • Javier Balgo

    Javier Balgo


    10euros check-in completely worth it! Not overcrowded for the champions league, delicious beef burger served on the spot, service with a smile, good atmosphere less noisy than a few years ago, chapeau! Spot on!! We'll come back for a game or two of the world Cup

  • Denis Obreja

    Denis Obreja


    I ordered fries with bacon, I didn't get any bacon on my fries but I got bacon in my hamburger (I thought it was supposed to be included by default). When I told the waitress that there's bacon on my bill she refused to refund me because "I already ate the bacon" : D The hamburger was awful, with or without the bacon.

  • Holi Canoli

    Holi Canoli


    Usual assortment of beers for an irish pub, i liked the ambiance. The staff is understanding although card reader is sometimes problematic so consider having cash with you

  • Katja J

    Katja J


    nice little pub for an evening drink. I liked the cherry bear. it's good to have a conversation because it's not too loud. great for dates. not too bright and not too loud;)

  • Mark Finlay

    Mark Finlay


    Typical cozy, friendly Irish pub with a decent kitchen. Family friendly - great place to take shelter from the miserable Brussels weather and enjoy a pint while watching your favourite team on the tele or the hustle and bustle of Flagey through the large windows.

Bar la plus proche

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