De Ruyffelaer de Ieper

BelgiqueDe Ruyffelaer



🕗 horaire

11, De Stuersstraat, 8900, Ieper, West-Vlaanderen, BE Belgium
contact téléphone: +32 57 36 60 06
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 50.8500604, Longitude: 2.8809929

commentaires 5

  • Tatiana Roy

    Tatiana Roy


    Officially close at 10pm, but when we came at 9, they told us that the chef already started to shut the kitchen. We explained that the person that came with us has trouble walking and made a huge effort just to come to this place that he knew would be open at least an hour more. The waiter just smirked and looked at my limping friend saying he must find a place elsewhere. Really? During the official opening time? Well, damn you..

  • en

    J .Mead


    Beautiful setting, lovely food cooked to perfection.

  • Vishnu Suryanarayanan

    Vishnu Suryanarayanan


    Great place and great food.. highly recommend it.

  • Roger Saladrigas

    Roger Saladrigas


    Good food and nice staff.

  • en

    Mike Tupling


    What a good we went there twice! Delicious 'home' cooked food, great selection of beers and wines, lovely atmosphere and the owners are charming and attentive. Highly recommended.

Restaurant la plus proche

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