De Pepel - drempelvrije vakantiewoning in Brugge – Assebroek

BelgiëDe Pepel - drempelvrije vakantiewoning


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🕗 openingstijden

19, Antoon de Lensstraat, 8310, Brugge – Assebroek, West-Vlaanderen, BE België
contacten telefoon: +32 478 61 44 04
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 51.18985, Longitude: 3.2462929

opmerkingen 4

  • Sare Gulay Budin

    Sare Gulay Budin


  • es

    Tatabicho Osorio


  • Ulrike Dagraedt

    Ulrike Dagraedt


    Met het ganse gezin een heerlijke week doorgebracht.... smaakt naar nog...

  • Ahmed Almuslim

    Ahmed Almuslim


    It is an amazing house with amazing hosts. The house itself is a trip of its own and worth traveling to just to stay in it. It has play room for the kids full of amazing toys. They have an extensive library of books and DVDs and a wonderful garden and a terrace. There is a fitness area and all the house is wheelchair accessible. Moreover, they have an amazing recycling plan. Patrick and Desiree go beyond the extra mile to make your stay comfortable and the house utilities are second to none. The house decoration is sublime and very relaxing. The neighborhood is wonderful and there is a petting farm next door that the children will enjoy. There is community center in the neighborhood that has a nice tearoom/cafe and a nice playground for the kids. If you decide to visit Brugge, do yourself a favor and stay in De Pepel. Otherwise, your visit to this beautiful city will not be complete.

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