De Pannekoekenbakker Thorn de Thorn

BelgiqueDe Pannekoekenbakker Thorn



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2, Bogenstraat, 6017 AV, Thorn, Maasgouw, NL Netherlands
contact téléphone: +31 475 563 327
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 51.1611272, Longitude: 5.8421602

commentaires 5

  • Dirk Horseman

    Dirk Horseman


    Lovely eatery in the middle of town.

  • Steve Matthews

    Steve Matthews


    I had a milkshake, which was promenantly advertised. I guess I've been spoiled by truck-stop milkshakes that are so thick the back of your neck hurts when you drink it! This was tasty, but very thin. I had the gorgonzola (334) crepe. The toppings were delicious, but I could never get over the fact that it would have probably tasted better on a pizza crust. Perhaps I should have tried something more basic for my first visit. The location is perfect, we sat outside in front of the church in the sun. The service was acceptable.




    Must go... great variety of pancakes. Just GREAT :-)

  • H. Abbott

    H. Abbott


    One of my favorite places in the Netherlands to eat at. Has a huge selection of Dutch pancakes from sweet to savory to salty. Great family friendly restaurant with in door play area down stairs and kids get a nice gift of there choosing.

  • Matthew Shaw

    Matthew Shaw


    This place has a great range of pancakes and tried to be different to other pancake places we have visited. We tried a pizza style pancake, Tuscan style and a standard and they were all top notch. They also do 50/50 savoury sweet pendants for those who want the best of both worlds. Service was fairly fast and friendly for a Dutch café. It was a busy place but has huge rooms inside as well as the street side and a quiet rear garden area. There were activities inside to amuse smaller children. If they made Thorn a car free zone this would be perfect!

Boulangerie la plus proche

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