De Keyser Hotel in Antwerpen

BelgiëDe Keyser Hotel


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🕗 openingstijden

66-70, De Keyserlei, 2018, Antwerpen, Antwerpen, BE Belgium
contacten telefoon: +32 3 206 74 60
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 51.2170431, Longitude: 4.4194859

opmerkingen 5

  • Marko Tanaskovic

    Marko Tanaskovic


    Excellent hotel by any measure. Superb service, excellent food & clean and spacious rooms. Everything you need for a quality business trip hotel and more. The hotel is small but quite classy with a modern touch. It has very good location. It's just around the corner from the train station and on the main street filled with shops and restaurants.

  • Chuck Smits

    Chuck Smits


    Even though it was a lovely stay there are a few points to note. Apparently the spa and gym was removed even though the site said differently, plus there were a few minor issues with the room. (a crane that gets hot on cold and vise versa, no WiFi code provided upon checking in, no toilet brush and rather hard beds) all in all I wouldn't give it the four star rating it was given, even though its incredibly well positioned right across from the station and surprisingly quiet considering it's right in the centre of all the action. The breakfast was well served though, and staying in the area provides a good sight on the street.

  • en

    Leon Routs


    Nice hotel near the station. Easy to get to if travelling by train.

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    Jean Patrice Gros


    Really good place in the center near zoo and station. Good price for a good hotel

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    Giulio Lolli


    It is supposed to be a 4 star hotel. For sure had all the requirements but is a quite outdated structure with lot of flows and improvements possibilities. A modern 3 star would be better. The big advantage is that it is very central in Antwerpen and convenient to the train station although this is not the best spot in town with many homeless people and is quite dirty.

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