De Hopduvel in Gent

BelgiëDe Hopduvel



🕗 openingstijden

625, Coupure Links, 9000, Gent, Oost-Vlaanderen, BE Belgia
contacten telefoon: +32 9 225 20 68
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 51.0517444, Longitude: 3.7096421

opmerkingen 5

  • en

    Claire Noergaard


    Super friendly and helpful people. Large range of beers. They also sell a lot of glassses for the beers too.

  • Francis Vanden Berghe

    Francis Vanden Berghe


    thé place to be(er) in Gent! Super friendly people, come twice and they know you. Great offers in beer, gifts, liquor. Parking facility. Warmly recommended, a hidden gem!

  • Andrew Fisk

    Andrew Fisk


    Great selection of beers!! Highly recommend. The staff are very helpful as well

  • Jordi Martí

    Jordi Martí


    If you like beer this is your place. You can choose from an amazing selection yourself or ask for help. I was looking for IPA and I was guided and received clear explanations of all of them while we were choosing bottles one by one until my budget was over and I was more than happy! I also wanted typical Belgian beer for a friend and of course there was also lots of them.

  • en

    Derek Kleur


    If you're a belgian beer fan and want to be like the proverbial kid in a sweetie shop go here. So much choice it's difficult to know where to start and prices good as well, beer heaven.

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