De Gekroonde Hoofden in Gent

BelgiëDe Gekroonde Hoofden



🕗 openingstijden

4, Burgstraat, 9000, Gent, Oost-Vlaanderen, BE Belgium
contacten telefoon: +32 9 233 37 74
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 51.0567281, Longitude: 3.7196579

opmerkingen 5

  • Cherrie Kong

    Cherrie Kong


    Excellent all-you-can-eat ribs, drink and atmosphere. Highly recommended for visitors and by locals. It seems extremely busy so I would advise that you book ahead.

  • en

    nicolas van geluwe


    Excellent ribs, best service ever and historic setting. Always feel welcome. Top recommended.

  • Kevin Holvoet

    Kevin Holvoet


    Very good ribs, made in different ways. Good atmosphere and cozy restaurant with nice interior

  • Tommy Panhard

    Tommy Panhard


    📣📣📣📣📣This place is a must in Ghent. The service was warm and friendly like by old pals. Better to reserve places ahead. Ribs all you can eat which you can change any flavor all you want. Tender and juicy served with sauces and butter. Affordable and lively! Put it on your list!

  • Kevin Lloyd

    Kevin Lloyd


    Great place for all you can eat ribs. Only 4 selections though and it's not "fall off the bone" eating. No BBQ sauce option either but the salt and spicy was great. And if you're not sure if you can eat a whole rack on the second round just ask for 1/2. You can also order a different flavor than the first rack.

Restaurant in de buurt

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