De Bonte Os Hotel & Tower de Roeselare

BelgiqueDe Bonte Os Hotel & Tower


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14, Sint-Hubrechtsstraat, 8800, Roeselare, West-Vlaanderen, BE Belgium
contact téléphone: +32 51 24 02 15
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 50.9483741, Longitude: 3.1319404

commentaires 5

  • Andrzej Godlewski

    Andrzej Godlewski


    Very nice service

  • John Smith

    John Smith


    The only good thing is that the owner is nice and charismatic. The rooms looks from 1900, the view is bad, not a quiet place, no air conditioning, WiFi too slow even for browsing. the breakfast very poor and same thing every day, not worth 10 euro. The rooms are very dirty and they don't change the towels and sheets only once a week. No free parking you have to walk for 600 meters to nearest free parking spot

  • Dennis Bevers

    Dennis Bevers


    Dirty, worn, old rooms, smell of cigarettes everywhere and noisy people who seem to be housed there by social services or something.

  • Joe Foreman

    Joe Foreman


    The hotel is close to the town, the room was very big with comfortable beds and a nice shower

  • en

    Charlotte Smith11111111


    Clean room. Traditional with a quirky twist. Pleasant host.

Lodging la plus proche

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