Day's Workout Gym de Ieper

BelgiqueDay's Workout Gym



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20, Rijselsepoort, 8900, Ieper, West-Vlaanderen, BE Belgique
contact téléphone: +32 57 21 50 15
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 50.8395104, Longitude: 2.8859899

commentaires 5

  • nl

    Cosmin Valentin Condei



  • en

    Stefaan gamme



  • Thorin Claeys

    Thorin Claeys


    I've been going to this place to work out for 3 years now and I still like it. There is a large variety of equipment to use and exercises to do. If you like cardio, you'll like this place as well, you can do treadmill running, use a elliptical machine, rowing machine or stair climbing machine as well as spinning machines. There are also a lot of classes you can join. The only downside I can think of is the fact that there isn't that much equipment for those of us who just want to do bodyweight exercises, but that's not that big of a deal. Recommendation from me!

  • nl

    Rafael Rondelez


    Een groot magazijn omgetoverd in een 'sweat shop'.

  • Thorin Claeys

    Thorin Claeys


    I've been working out here for 2 years now. The people there are very nice and there is a large variety of equipment. If you ever visit Ypres and you search a place to workout, I would highly recommend this place.

Gym la plus proche

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