Dalgatrans de Genk



pas d'information

🕗 horaire

28, Hermeslaan, 3600, Genk, Limburg, BE Belgia
contact téléphone: +32 89 50 00 30
site web: www.dalgatrans.be
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 50.98886, Longitude: 5.469782

commentaires 5

  • pl

    Dariusz Maj


  • en

    James Blond


    Today I had really strange experience with one of your lorry drivers. About 12:30 one of your LKW (qafr151) drivers tried to overtake me when I starter slowing down 200m before roundabout. He used a horn. On lights he stoped next to and he started shouting, trying to convince me to open the window widely. Then this di€khead throw a cup full of coffe on my w. You should send your drivers to psychological examination... and stop employing racist!

  • en

    Dino Alexandre


    It's very very rude people working here ... no respect for the human people and they tray to use violence against the people visit thr yard of company !!

  • nl

    Ronny Eerlings


    Gewoon goed

  • it

    Matteo Tosciri


    Azienda innovativa

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