Cyrano / Chez Gerty in Waimes

BelgiëCyrano / Chez Gerty



🕗 openingstijden

23, Rue de la Gare, 4950, Waimes, Liège, BE Belgium
contacten telefoon: +32 80 67 99 89
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 50.413949, Longitude: 6.114367

opmerkingen 5

  • en

    Priti Patel


    One of the best restaurant I have been, and I have been to many around the world. Fantastic food, especially the creative and attention to detail from the chef and staff. Definitely recommended for those food lovers who know their food!

  • en

    Jim Luetchford


    Really luxurious little hotel with lovely helpful staff who swap languages with every sentence :-)

  • en

    Stephen Bell


    The most amazing degustation meal with the perfect wine matching. Cannot recommend this more, after a day on the Vennbahn spoil yourself here, you won't be disappointed - thank you to the chef and all the staff at Cyrano

  • Thanos F

    Thanos F


    Nice restaurant! Food was of high quality. Really well thought and executed to perfection. Reasonable priced too. Service was pleasant and helpful. Is it a chic restaurant? They'll have to upgrade their chairs I'm afraid in order to get there ;)

  • matt smith

    matt smith


    Love this place. The steak is the best I've had and the staff fantastic.

Bar in de buurt

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