Cottage Santfort de Zonnebeke

BelgiqueCottage Santfort


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🕗 horaire

43, Houtemstraat, 8980, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen, BE Belgium
contact téléphone: +32 494 52 54 28
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 50.8038905, Longitude: 2.9680214

commentaires 5

  • Paul McCullock

    Paul McCullock


    One of the best Bed an Breakfast we have ever stayed in. the owners are most Amiable and helpful. the rooms are on the first floor and they took all our luggage up the stairs before we could turn round. The rooms are straight out of a magazine. the facilities are first class.The breakfast is all homemade and we never managed to eat half of it. The location is ideal for visiting Ypres and the Flanders area in general. We took trips to Brugge, Ostend and Brussels .All were reached in about an hour and a half and all were very good places for a day out. We caught the ferry to Dunkirk which is 45mins away.

  • tabitha vandekerkhove

    tabitha vandekerkhove


  • nl

    Lieve Koninkx


    Tip top tot in de kleinste details. Super uitgebreid ontbijt.

  • en

    Sri Tocs


    5 star food, drink and service. Recommended to anyone who appreciates high quality ;-)

  • Andries Van Cauwelaert

    Andries Van Cauwelaert


    Leuke plek als je met een groep wil gaan eten. Heel lekker en ze kunnen veel volk aan. Er was een leuk dessertbuffet. De naam van de plek was “Mon plat pays”. Ja, misschien een beetje cliche. Ma ja... ;)

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