Côté Jardin Colocation in Brussel

BelgiëCôté Jardin Colocation


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🕗 openingstijden

70, Léopold Wienerlaan, 1170, Brussel, BE Belgien
contacten telefoon: +32 2 673 36 40
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 50.8053721, Longitude: 4.4087807

opmerkingen 5

  • Dominique Vandenberghe Guérisseuse Channel Coach

    Dominique Vandenberghe Guérisseuse Channel Coach


    C'est devenu une villa en colocation

  • Olivier Spiesser

    Olivier Spiesser


    Bel maison d'architecte et bon accueil

  • Ana Cláudia Paula

    Ana Cláudia Paula


    It has been almost 5 years the last time I've been there, but the hospitality and the easy access are the best! And I stayed there, in each staying, for a month! I also have to point "Why not?", the sweet house's pet! Thank you!

  • en

    En Google-bruger


    My wife and I stayed for 2 nights while visiting for a wedding in Brussels. We enjoyed this B&B very much. The host Cecile, was wonderfully helpful and friendly. The room was very comfortable and modern, and we enjoyed the breakfast. We would recommend a visit. Thanks Cecile and Whynot (the dog). Adam and Anna, Melbourne, Australia.

  • en

    En Google-bruger


    I had a veterinary seminar in Brussels in July and decided to stay at cote jardin. It was very comfortable(great value for money), convenient of access, and Cecile was really friendly. Dr. Adam Russell, Veterinary surgeon

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