Côté Gourmand in Bruxelles

BelgiëCôté Gourmand



🕗 openingstijden

6, Avenue Paul Deschanel, 1030, Bruxelles, BE Belgium
contacten telefoon: +32 2 245 82 46
website: www.cote-gourmand.be
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 50.8625723, Longitude: 4.3811734

opmerkingen 5

  • Stefan Van Steenberge

    Stefan Van Steenberge


    Extremely rude staff and we literally got ripped off. The prices in the menu don't match with what you get on the receipt. When confronted with this the staff member lost his temper and refunded me in 1 cent coins. I am flabbergasted to read Helena's review from one hour as it must have happened at almost the same time. Please avoid at all cost.

  • en

    Helena James


    I never write reviews, but I feel I have to. The staff are rude and unwelcoming. My breakfast came to 4.80. I gave a 5 euro note and, as the cashier was about to give me a huge handful of cents, I said 'keep the change'. He took it as a total affront and forced me to take all the change. I was only trying to be nice! Don't ruin your morning here ! Go to Serendipity instead, where the staff are welcoming and polite!

  • Nick Van Overbeke

    Nick Van Overbeke


    Cosy breakfast place in BXL

  • Ferran Plana Buñuel

    Ferran Plana Buñuel


    The decoration is nice but the rest ... 0. The guy is sooo rude !!! He seems he is very unhappy and he knows how to transfer this bad feelings to the clients very well... Sometimes you feel you are disturbing them, ...at the end you don't feel comfortable to ask anything. Don't go please !

  • en

    Raiton r


    (Please read till the end) Wasted potential. Overpriced products. I had to ask to change my dirty fork, the waiter didn't apologize and even found a stupid excuse. The tables are not cleaned, so I was a bit wondering were to put my hands on it. The personal is clearly not professional and can be unfriendly and rude. A bit too long waiting. The worst part is coming : we got an expensive cake with bugs in it !! When we called the waiter, instead of apologizing and giving us something else, he were saying that's "not possible" the bugs are coming from them... Accusing us! The decor is great, but that's the only positive thing. Will never come back there, except if another owner decides to fully enjoy the great potential of this place. Unwelcoming place ever!

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