Cospaia Restaurant & bar - Toison d'Or / Louise in Bruxelles

BelgiëCospaia Restaurant & bar - Toison d'Or / Louise



🕗 openingstijden

1, Rue Capitaine Crespel, 1050, Bruxelles, BE Belgium
contacten telefoon: +32 2 513 03 03
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 50.8361533, Longitude: 4.3575815

opmerkingen 5

  • Rumyana Stoykova

    Rumyana Stoykova


    Nice terrasse! The restaurant has a posh vibe, but food is delicious and service was good. We ordered Pressa iberico. Delicious!

  • en

    Tim Stok


    Quite rude service and not very flexible. Price quality ratio below par. All in all a pretty disappointing experience.

  • Benjamin Francis

    Benjamin Francis


    If you’re looking for a place to see pretentious people, this is the place for you. The clientele really is the worst part of this bar.

  • en

    Nabi Kanibir


    Good place with a nice vibe. Food was delicious service was friendly enough. Apparently it s a popular place to hang out. If you are around the neighborhood worth a visit.

  • en

    Anna KrĂłzser


    The place is disappointing. Overpriced drinks (and bad wine) and food and they promised a warm terrace, which was in fact freezing cold. When we left the terrace after trying to survive under blankets, we were quite rudely asked to fold them. Not recommending to anyone.

Bar in de buurt

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