Colruyt Bastogne in Bastogne

BelgiëColruyt Bastogne



🕗 openingstijden

22, Chaussée de Houffalize, 6600, Bastogne, Luxembourg, BE Belgien
contacten telefoon: +32 61 21 51 71
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 50.0109032, Longitude: 5.724317

opmerkingen 5

  • fr

    Tyrant GAEL


    Bon magasin

  • en

    Kerby Rials


    You will get good prices at Colruyt. They are open later than Carrefour (until 8 pm). They seem to have a better selection of vegetables. Not a fan of their checkout system, which is designed to prevent theft. First they tarnsfer all your groceries from one cart to the other as they ring them up, and then you have to go to a separate counter to pay. Usually longer lines than other stores. You have to bring your own bags or pick up a box as you walk in to pack your groceries in

  • fr

    Suzanne Fanny


    Pas chère. .on remplit mon caddie avec les sacs que j'ai apporté... accueil agréable

  • fr

    Fernand Georges


    Magasin mal rangé, il manque toujours des marchandises ? Nous ne sommes en Afrique ! le responsable devrait se remettre en question car il ne va pas faire long feu...

  • Florent Wuidar

    Florent Wuidar


    Super accueil de la caissière Océane 😉 je recommande ce magasin attentif à sa clientèle.

Supermarkt in de buurt

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