City Clinic de Bruxelles

BelgiqueCity Clinic



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235, Avenue Louise, 1050, Bruxelles, BE Belgium
contact téléphone: +32 2 434 20 00
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 50.8252128, Longitude: 4.365349

commentaires 5

  • Michaela Hertus

    Michaela Hertus


    J’ai été avec mon fils malade , le pédiatre la regarder deux minutes sans prendre sa température . On a l’impression qu’il voulai partir . On a été expédier , très mauvais ressenti .aucune empathie , je n’u Retournerai pas

  • Julie D'hondt

    Julie D'hondt


    Accueil chaleureux et médecin compétent. Ravie de mon expérience à la city clinic. Un grand merci aux dames à l'accueil qui ont fait preuve de beaucoup de gentillesse et de dévouement pour me trouver un rdv rapidement.

  • Rrequin R

    Rrequin R


    Accueil Reception autain et presque inhumain.A éviter et pas de possibilité de payer par carte.La Blonde à la réception est autaine et aggressive.

  • Михаил Елисеев

    Михаил Елисеев


    I strongly recommend to avoid this clinic and especially Dr. Cuvelier Philippe. I had a following situation: on 22nd of February 2017 at 13.00 p.m. my 5 y.o. son had a consultation with a Dr. Cuvelier. My son has strong cough, otitis, temperature already for 1 week. I brought and showed to doctor list of appointments and treatments my son has had before we came to him. Also we had a blood test results. Dr. Cuvelier Philippe prescribed to my son antibiotic Zitromax 200mg/5ml. On 23rd of February 2017 my son got side effects: diarrhea, vomiting, stomach pain and temperature. I called to the clinic, explained the situation, asked for appointment. Unfortunately it was not possible to have an appointment with Dr.Cuvelier on 24th of February 2017 but I was advised to call to clinic next day and try to explain the situation to the doctor by phone. I came to the CityClinic on 24th of February 2017 at 12.50, met Dr.Cuvelier, explained the situation with my son and asked for advice. Dr. Cuvelier said to me that side effects are not possible and it is not his problem at all. He advises me to go to gastroenterology. After that I went with my son to St. Elizabeth hospital in Uccle, there my son was examined by pediatric, made a lungs exam, and immediately placed to the hospital with diagnosis pneumonia. There is only one way to reach City Clinic – it is by phone. If you want to complain you need to send them a letter by post. I will never go to City Clinic again!

  • Sascha Brose

    Sascha Brose


    English-speaking reception and dermatologist. Friendly, efficient and quick. Accepts card payment for doctor's fee.

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