CINEMATEK in Brussel



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🕗 openingstijden

Rue Baron Horta 9, 1000 Brussel, Belgium
contacten telefoon: +32 2 551 19 00
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 50.8439733, Longitude: 4.3602398

opmerkingen 5

  • en

    D D


    Quite small, but has some nice rarities to show.

  • Andres Ricardo Pedraza Alvarez

    Andres Ricardo Pedraza Alvarez


    Great place. Great screens.

  • Esther Snippe

    Esther Snippe


    Cheap seats for great old movies! I go here two or three times a month: the theatres are intimate with only 20-30 seats, and play great old movies. If possible, go to the silent shows with the live piano accompaniment, they are a real experience.

  • en

    Ben Samyn


    Cool place with a great new selection of special movies each season. Bring your own snacks/drinks as they don't really sell them on site (bar a vending machine with drinks), but don't when it's a silent movie. The room is too small and quiet, you'd just annoy people. Book in advance if you can, they do sell out more often than you'd think. Students: take the €5 student's card and pay only €2 entrance each time. Come early, they do start on time and you can not enter anymore. If you can't seem to find it: just pass Bozar, in front of the stairs leading towards "Parc de Bruxelles" you'll find a door to your right with a "Cinematek" neon sign above it.

  • Anca Gregorius

    Anca Gregorius


    If you love cinematography, this place has a wide variety of movies and shows, especially oldies, and the silent movies sometimes get a live piano soundtrack

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