Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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13, Cellebroersstraat, 1000, Brussel, BE België
kontakter telefon: +32 2 506 71 11
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Latitude: 50.8433062, Longitude: 4.3498032

kommentar 5

  • Natalia Aerts Lopez

    Natalia Aerts Lopez


    You loose about 20min awaiting for registration, this should improve. This is not a negative remark on the competence of the person taking the echo or radio

  • Grégoire Didier

    Grégoire Didier


    Je n'est jamais été aussi mal reçu sans parler de la crasse de cette hopital !

  • Thomas Meuwissen

    Thomas Meuwissen


    Jammer, maar het is onmogelijk via telefoon een afspraak te maken. Ik ben herhaaldelijk doorverbonden naar nummers die geen antwoord geven.

  • Ufuk Alpaslan

    Ufuk Alpaslan


    This hospital is the worst hospital in Brussels.Basic but golden patient right as INFORMED CONSENT is not respected.Patients are not informed about alternative ways of treatment. They have a lack of knowledge about which type of anesthesia would be applied or they like to see people suffer from pain. The patient is not informed about what type of Anesthesia would be applied until surgery time.It is a surprise for the patient. Post surgery symptoms are mystery for the patient because the patient is not informed about them neither. Biased mediation service which may not answer the patient for years and ignore the complaints.Trying to protect the staff instead of being in the middle.Trying to sweep the matters under the carpet and act like nothing happened. One mediator is not aware of the complaints done to a previous mediator.So they ask the patient to be their reminder.Probably switching from one mediator to another frequently thinking they screw it up. Amateurs with best equipment in the world. Amateurs suffering from inferiority complex. Amateurs don't want to claim responsibility. If you don't want to suffer from a life long lasting trauma,take my word;don't go to Saint Pierre Hospital for a consultation.

  • Jeaninne Spitaels

    Jeaninne Spitaels


    heb daar juist 15 minuten aan de telefoon geweest, alle lijnen zijn bezet en als het dan belt dan blijft het bellen nog eens oneindige minuten. De web site voor een afspraak werkt ook niet naar behoren. Wat nu.

nærmeste Hospital

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