Chocolatier Del Rey (Chocolate) in Antwerpen

BelgiëChocolatier Del Rey (Chocolate)



🕗 openingstijden

5, Appelmansstraat, 2018, Antwerpen, Antwerpen, BE Belgium
contacten telefoon: +32 3 470 28 61
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 51.217131, Longitude: 4.417729

opmerkingen 5

  • GoEun Joung

    GoEun Joung


    I usually buy cake here, but everytime I come, the employees are never friendly. The only reason I still come here is because there is no other nice bakery near my work place.. but soon or later, I will find other one.

  • en

    Maarten Oudega


    Great chocolate! Pricy, but beautiful and tasty!

  • Pedro Gonçalves

    Pedro Gonçalves


    The place looks fancy and feels fancy. We had a seat inside and order two cakes, an expresso and a hot chocolate. The hot chocolate came with a home made vanilla ice cream, some whipped cream and a few pralines. The expresso with some milk and a few pralines too. Everything looked perfect and tasted amazing. I have to say that it was a pricey but definitely worth it (a little under 30€ for what we had). Definitely a place to go if you want to impress someone with a delicious and good-looking cake.

  • Priyanka Rai Singh

    Priyanka Rai Singh


    Must go into their sit down lounge and enjoy their hot chocolate served like a king and tastes heavenly! It is a real treat! Collection of chocolates and petit fours are very good! Did not fancy the other desserts so much though!

  • *



    Bought two pastries for 7€, take away. It started raining when we got out of the shop, so we went back inside and asked if it was possible to eat them in the adjoining cafe. Answer? A dry "no". 2/10 tables were busy. Surprised, we offered to order two hot chocolates. Answer? "You can drink the chocolates inside, but you can't eat your pastries". Seriously?! We fled.

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