choco story bxls w Brussel

Belgiachoco story bxls



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9, Guldenhoofdstraat, 1000, Brussel, BE Bélgica
kontakt telefon: +32 2 514 20 48
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 50.8468413, Longitude: 4.351321

komentarze 5




    The praline making demonstration is excellent, the staff is knowledgeable and kind. There is plenty of chocolate for tasting. The exhibit could use some modernization.

  • Matthew Witchell

    Matthew Witchell


    Very small museum. Free tasters are worth the entry cost alone.

  • Marcie Wachtel

    Marcie Wachtel


    We loved this place! So much chocolate to eat here! They have samples everywhere of different chocolate "strengths." The demonstration was adorable and the guy was very entertaining. It's a self-exploring museum, but we liked that better than following a guide...we're pretty independent travelers. For the money, it's definitely worth it. We did have the 72hr Brussels card though. If you don't have the card, do this tour over the Choco Village. We did both and this one was by far the best value for paying anything.

  • fr

    Carine Mabillotte


    Très chouette musée, éducatif et amusant. Préparations de pralines devant nous et dégustation

  • Gavin Gallagher

    Gavin Gallagher


    Displays are very dated and many of the staff are uninterested in their jobs. The chocaltier was however very good and funny and the free samples were welcome. I would recommend travelling out a bit further to the chocolate village for a much better experience on the history of chocolate and how it's made.

najbliższy Muzeum

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