Château de Lavaux-Sainte-Anne in Rochefort

BelgiëChâteau de Lavaux-Sainte-Anne



🕗 openingstijden

8, Rue du Château, 5580, Rochefort, Namur, BE Belgien
contacten telefoon: +32 84 38 83 62
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 50.115868, Longitude: 5.092501

opmerkingen 5

  • nl

    Julie Van Mol


    Geweldig mooie locatie voor een prachtgebouw waarin enkele musea huizen. Echt de moeite waard!

  • Наталья



    Заехали случайно, оказалось очень красиво и интересно. Замок небольшой, за стеной- ухоженный парк, на лужайке пасутся олени. Интерьер оформлен тщательно и с любовью. Большое количество экспонатов, звучит музыка. Рекомендую посетить.

  • Jan Jouke Tjalsma

    Jan Jouke Tjalsma


    Unexpectedly good. Not your avarage boring decayed castle with empty rooms. Come here to see history recreated in scenes and artefacts of old. The rooms are themed and contain things that would have been there in the past. Just walking around is great but the attention to detail shown really completes the experience. We loved the hunting trophies (owls, foxes, small birds, boars etc.). A lot is explained on plaques in short simple language. There is also a barn with larger machinery and a nice park.

  • fr

    Mathieu Barbieaux


    Superbe visite . Le marais didactique est génial. Les enfants adorent

  • en

    Georgi Yakaliev


    Good, very well preserved, nice staff, with 3 museums in the castle. You can walk also around it and enjoy the beautiful views. Garden is also quite interesting. You can spend lovely time there.

Museum in de buurt

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