Charli in Bruxelles




🕗 openingstijden

34, Rue Sainte-Catherine, 1000, Bruxelles, BE Belgium
contacten telefoon: +32 2 513 63 32
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 50.8500523, Longitude: 4.3475812

opmerkingen 5

  • Emmanuel Cabane

    Emmanuel Cabane


    6 stars if I could! Just try their classic pastries like their Pain au chocolat or their butter croissant, they're on P O I N T.

  • en

    Buba Bubowska


    A charming lovely bakery-cafe. The passion fruit and chocolate tarte were amazing, not too sweet, amazing consistency. The only thing that I didn’t like was the setting of tables - there are just a few of them, all located in the entry area, so when there are a lot of customers, it becomes hard to talk. Or maybe we were just unlucky with a huge group of tourists... Nevertheless, it’s absolutely worth a visit!

  • en

    Tazbita Tasnim


    Lovely cafe. Had a beautiful passion fruit tart. Not too heavy and the right balance of sweet and sour. Service was very friendly. Initially my coffee order was mixed up. I wasn't too fussed so didn't mention it, but the guy at the counter realised himself and made me another and gave me a free croissant to make up for it. Pastries etc. All well priced, not extortionate like most places in central brussels.

  • Julie Romanenko

    Julie Romanenko


    Croissants are a bit too much buttered but still very nice. Desserts are marvelous - a pleasure for my mouth. Cappuccino was pretty good as well.

  • Allon Sander

    Allon Sander


    Excellent - found by coincidence, and what a find! Cheerful, friendly staff and transparent ideology behind this bakery and patisserie. Had a peanut tart (caramel, chocolate, all the good stuff and well roasted), a lemon tart (with almonds and almond meringue - wow!) and the penultimate test - a perfect croissant, lightly crispy on the outside, fluffy and buttery inside. Took a great bread home: flour is organic, no additives: the art of bakery isn't dying (yet)! Oh, and great coffee...

Bakkerij in de buurt

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