Centre d'Orthodontie in Bruxelles

BelgiëCentre d'Orthodontie



🕗 openingstijden

105b, Avenue Louise, 1050, Bruxelles, BE Belgien
contacten telefoon: +32 499 17 53 27
website: www.cdol.be
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 50.8306797, Longitude: 4.3598047

opmerkingen 5

  • Charles Martin

    Charles Martin


    Très bon orthodondiste, je recommande!

  • en

    Ana Cacho


    Hello, is the center still open? :) I am not able to contact them. Merci

  • en

    Yatharth Gulati


    Dr Eid did an excellent job on my teeth and I'm very happy with the results I really could not recommend him more. He has been consistently polite, friendly and professional guiding and consulting me through every step of the process to getting lovely straight teeth. I had severe bunching on my lowers plus some movement needed on my upper teeth. I decided to opt for the ceramic braces (semi invisible clear 'train tracks') and although they have a slightly larger profile than the metals ones they really do blend into the colour of your teeth really well, I moved to a new office and sat next to someone for 6 months before they noticed! As an adult with braces you may feel overly self conscious but with these I found that not nearly as many people as I had thought noticed them. Anyway a few months later I now have my braces off (since last week) and I can happily show off my pearly whites, thank you very much CDOL!

  • fr

    laurent Lerouge


    Je me suis décidé à corriger mes dents à 24 ans et je suis allé consulter le docteur Eid à ce sujet après l'avoir trouvé sur internet. Il m'a fait quelques recommandations et je suis pleinement satisfait de son travail ! Le cabinet est très joli et le docteur est très aimables et à l'écoute. J'ai porté un appareil pendant quelques mois, c'est vraiment facile de s'y faire et aujourd'hui je suis ravi ! Je recommande vivement ce cabinet.

  • en

    Johanna Clara


    I've just had my braces taken off and I can not believe the results. The orthodontist was very patient and understanding throughout my treatment. I can not thank him enough. I would recommend this clinic to anyone who wants a beautiful smile.

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