Center Hotel in Kortrijk

BelgiëCenter Hotel


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🕗 openingstijden

6, Graanmarkt, 8500, Kortrijk, West-Vlaanderen, BE Belgium
contacten telefoon: +32 56 21 97 21
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 50.8269554, Longitude: 3.2650835

opmerkingen 5

  • Bikramaditya Ghosh Institute Of Management

    Bikramaditya Ghosh Institute Of Management


    Stayed for 7 days in November 2017. It’s a lovely place in a small hamlet named Kortrijk in West Flanders. Breakfast was too good. Staff were helpful and nice. Highly recommended hotel near Grote Markt of Kortrijk.

  • Guus van der Sluijs

    Guus van der Sluijs


    The rooms have been refurbished and are comfortable. Breakfast is traditional but good.

  • Gary Noe

    Gary Noe


    I had a remodeled room-very nice and good price. Good burgers in lobby resto.

  • Stephan Kaufhold

    Stephan Kaufhold


    In the end it was only a one night stay and this made me happy. The linen was dirty, at the walls in the toilet i saw some strange dirty things I don't want know where they come from. The rest of the room with the open bath was nice and the breakfast was great but due to the dirty things this was my first and last stay.

  • teaser tim

    teaser tim


    Nice hotel in the centre of Kortrijk. Very friendly staff. Single rooms are very small, double rooms are spacious but could use some more dressing. Wifi is very good. Good breakfast, eggs prepared a la minute.

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