Celtica de Bruxelles




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55, Rue du Marché aux Poulets, 1000, Bruxelles, BE Belgium
contact téléphone: +32 2 514 22 69
site web: www.celticpubs.com
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 50.8484223, Longitude: 4.3512506

commentaires 5

  • en

    Any R


    Disappointing. The securuty people here are simply stupid. A girl was hitten last week and they didn’t provide either help or support for the investigation and caughting the person who hit her! Whatever the reason for the “animal” to hit her could have been, nobody would have expected such an irresponsible attitude from the personnel at this place!!!

  • Daniela Elizabeth Sánchez Morales

    Daniela Elizabeth Sánchez Morales


    Terrible place. A really good friend of mine got injured there by another customer and the administration didn’t help at all. It is really sad that let these things happen.

  • C.M. Schramm

    C.M. Schramm


    Cheap beer and nice crowd. Had a great evening here with my best friend who was in town.

  • en

    Juliana Wall


    A pint of beer for 2€. Do I need to say more? Well yes, great service and atmosphere. Nice pub.

  • Brian Storey

    Brian Storey


    It isn't what you'd call classy but it's a good bar, good for live sport and music later on. Jagermeister on tap too of you like that sort of thing. Staff were good with us. It was Sunday and they had no problem putting the NFL on. If you want somewhere quiet, probably not for you. As a side note, when we wanted some food, they let us order a Pizza from the Italian next door and bring it back. One of the best Pizza's I've had. Proper Italian - had that real Italian restaurant "smell".

Boîte de nuit la plus proche

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